Change Management


We believe Prosci’s ADKAR® model (comprised of the Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement phases) is a solid starting place for any change management effort our clients will embark on. But based on our experience, when managing large-scale technology implementations, there are additional elements we have developed and are now included in our tailored delivery model. Our approach includes developing a highly detailed OCM Work Plan that is important to tying any OCM effort to the overall project outcome. Thus, Adekoya will develop a detailed OCM Work Plan for each engagement as part of its delivery model.

Adekoya’s approach to OCM efforts always centers on meeting its clients’ business needs by aligning closely with the drivers of change. Organizational change management efforts are complex and have significant “people” impacts that when anticipated, planned, and managed, will directly increase the likelihood of project success and sustainability. To ensure that our OCM approach meets each client’s unique needs, we:

1. Conduct an assessment by initially engaging with the client’s leadership and management, project management and  key stakeholders to gather information to shape the OCM Plan. There are several tools that we use to support this  assessment, as well as survey instruments and structured interviews.

2. Tailor our standard OCM Plan (template) with the specifics for this engagement. For example, the full-scope OCM  work plan will address the approach, resources, and schedule for each individual project and its associated deliverables. Where applicable, interfacing with the associated project manager(s) and teams to align our efforts with the overall project schedule will be important to remain synchronized.

3. Based on our OCM Plan, we develop collaborative day-to-day delivery of OCM services to our clients that include  communications, monitoring, metrics, reporting, and staff level engagement/feedback through staff and/or project    meetings, surveys, intranet communications, roadmap activities, staff engagement as implementation champions, etc.

In applying our approach, we immediately engage client’s OCM team and ensure that our initial planning activities are sound. During planning, our resources ensures additional understanding of the status of the client’s project efforts (design phase, bid/construction phase), in terms of its current state, development progression or implementation targets. This understanding directly informs the OCM approach to employ, the timing of each OCM services so that activities are properly aligned, and we can assess potential risks and ensure solid strategies are in place to mitigate.

We employ change management methodologies in balance with Lean Six Sigma principles to each process (consolidation efforts) to first understand and assess VOC (voice of customer), and outline what is CTQ (critical to quality) while working with the client’s stakeholders. We familiarize ourselves with all client’s current processes related to organizational change management requirements as client goes through its transformation, responsibilities, and accountabilities assignment to enable the delivery of measurable and sustainable outcome. Full understanding of client’s current organizational change plans is also critical to our forward progress in delivering change management efforts that will stick. We also identify any knowledge gaps and look to develop required improvements. We then develop recommendations that include an implementation roadmap.

Adekoya’s initial approach in guiding OCM efforts

We have learned three critical lessons through many years of supporting private and public organizations:

1. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter F. Drucker

2. The future is not a linear extension of the past – it is fueled by design innovations

3. All organizations produce exactly the results they are designed to produce and none other. If we want or need to produce different results, we need a different design

A complete design requires detailing and understanding:

✓ The organization’s purpose – its mission – the difference it will make for its customers

✓ Its lines of business (divisions) – the capabilities it will employ to serve those customers

✓ Its definition of success – its vision – including how it will know if it is succeeding

✓ The organizational DNA needed to achieve its mission and vision – the operating principles or strategies that will enable its success

✓ How that DNA will be manifested in the experiences and interactions of stakeholders with the organization – customers, employees, business partners, citizens

✓ How business processes will transform to animate the operating strategies and realize the stakeholder experiences

✓ How operating systems will enable those business process

✓ How it will manage the change from present day to where it wants to be


We understand that every client’s change management effort is a complex endeavor that has drawn the investments of many stakeholders. Hence, the need for a successful Day 1 execution – meaning all stakeholders and partners (internal & external) do not suffer a disruption in services and experience a firmly implanted and demonstrable new operational culture—are precisely the same as that of a commercial entity. To achieve the envisioned level of success, we leverage five key strategic categories of work with associated activities to execute successful integrations. We anticipate our client’s team and stakeholders to undertake these activities as part of the change management and transformation. Adekoya’s OCM team planning efforts will focus on supporting the change management activities. The activities will also serve as the basis for continued implementation.

Why Integrated Organizational Change Management Produces Lasting Success

We believe that the human experience of change management cannot exist in a vacuum—it must be tightly interwoven with overall project management to ensure success. We view organizational change management as an integral component of the overall project framework, which focuses on measuring and managing the impacts of business change on people (staff, users, customers, partners, etc.).

The result is faster adoption of the change (whether new technology, streamlined business processes, or agency re-organization) and higher staff proficiency and productivity—which enhances the benefits of the change. We understand that staff and stakeholder success in adopting significant organizational change, such as the project our clients embark on, links directly to the outcome in terms of customer satisfaction.

OCM works as an extension of the project management effort and is clearly derived from the technology or system changes. Thus, during the assessment effort, we will utilize an experienced Senior Consultant and OCM Prosci-certified practitioner, Amber Gravett, to identify necessary linkages to the overall project effort.

Business Challenge: A public agency needed to grow its HR program’s operating efficiency and stability, implement change management, drive a CPI culture, create a culture where its staff are inspired to be their best, to better partner with internal and external customers, and to be a leader in meeting the Commissioner’s priority.

How Adekoya Helped (Project Delivery & Outcome):

  • Organizational Structure and Business Process Improvement, performance audit and evaluation, continuous process improvement (CPI) and metrics development, and management Analysis and Work sessions facilitation to furnish the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR or agency) with recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness by which it conducts human resources throughout the agency. Developed a framework for implementing those recommendations, with the goal of supporting Commissioner Franz’ plan to make DNR the best possible place to work
  • Employed six sigma methodologies in developing an implementation framework strategy:
    • Conducted extensive interviews throughout the agency comprising providers and customers of HR services, including the Department Manager, Human Resources Division (HRD), the six Regions and several of the Divisions. The collective providers of HR services in the agency form the HR Program or HR
    • Audited and evaluated current program and process delivery versus expected performance. Identified gaps and developed corrected actions and framework for improvements
    • Conducted a social capital survey and ethnographic analysis review to assess and understand the current state of DNR HR organizational health and culture, and to identify the practices and norms that either contribute to or detract from the organization’s goal to be an employer of choice.
    • Audited HR programs, laws, policies, and procedures to ensure currency and utilization.
    • Drove effort to ensure laws (union), policies and operating procedures are updated and included in SharePoint for ease of access and use
    • Developed and Implement New “To-Be” processes and implemented new org. structure to drive operational efficiency
    • Delivered recommended improvements that fell under five categories; 1) Reorganize, 2) Reset, 3) Span of Control, 4) Reallocation of Misallocated Resources, 5) Management Development
    • Developed and implemented a newly structured HR Operational methodology that focused on “Standard HR Functions” rather than individuals for CPI enablement.
    • Developed KPIs (key Performance Indicators) to measure performance delivery and to ensure a CPI culture.
    • Developed strategies (communication and documentation) and tools for full implementation, alignment, & tracking and monitoring of outstanding issues and to ensure all improvements sticks.